Friday, November 26, 2010

When I am broken

When I am Broken.

When I am broken
Do not come to fix me.
Tell me not
About positives
In my life.
Can’t you see
I am blind 
To such thoughts
My ears past hearing
My Logic past understanding
I am broken
And you, 
With your smart suit, 
Big words, meter ticking
Psychology Degree
Will not be the one
To heal me.

I am full of fuzz, 
The television crackles in my head
Behind the dark empty pools 
Of eyes, salt water flows
Behind them a sluice gate
Where I stored all his petty put downs
“Oh! Let me do it”
“Are you good for any-thing”
“Why? can’t you even stop
The baby crying!”
You made me feel like shit
Now I look like shit.
But when I am 
Ready to talk
You’re the mongrel dog
Who has pissed on my alter
Pooed in my souls chalice
And I’am going to catch you
By your scruffy neck
And I am going to stick
Your Fucking muzzle in it.

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