Sunday, October 3, 2010

Return to Eden

Return To Eden.

Eve went into the garden
Took fruit from the choicest tree
The apple cried its juices
And salted tears for me.
They cried of a naked discovery
They clothed theIr beauty with shame
Pointed their fingers like daggers
stabbing the air with Blame.

Birds that once sang so sweetly
Went hoarse, as they searched for  the note
And the serpents sweet venom boiled hissing
Like a satire scribed by a poet.
Adam discovered the apple
Eve was seduced by it’s ban
But they sampled the fruit together
Then naked in shame they ran
Banished from the garden of Eden
To a Banality where all was the same
Where Love was soon forgotten
And hatred was fueled with blame
Sons were born in the jungle
Pain wracked her body and nerve
Born to the darkest beginnings
To a sentence their parents were served.

We are the children of Eve
We are empty hungry and cold
Loveless lifeless and searching
For the apples temptation had sold
If we planted the seed of the apple
If they kept not discarded the core
We would watch the apple tree blossom
and would harvest the apples no more
Peace would rain from the heavens
Desserts would colour in bloom
Guns would again be silenced
 No man would preach of doom
Children would never be crying
Disease would be a thing of the past
And death like acts of contrition
in museums they all would be cast
Legends would tell of explosions
Of men who murdered and maimed
And children wide eyed with wonder
Would not understand what temptation had flamed.

We can still plant a garden in Eden
In hearths that are lonely and cold
In minds that pry for distruction
In sheep that have strayed from the fold
In the weak the sick and the hungry
Those thirsty for friendship and care
It only takes a moment to listen
but have we that moment to spare.

By Tim Buckley

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