Thursday, October 21, 2010

Homage to Halloween

Homage to Halloween

The Moon is full, the clocks go back
Strange things happen on all souls day
The dead souls creak, lost between
Sin, forgiveness and regret.
Remember now it’s Halloween.
The ivy curtains of their tombs
Are pulled away inside the ruins
Lichen statues turn their way
As their bones put on a flesh of clay
And walk again with unsure feet
Hoping they will somehow meet
The beggar they past on the street
So many moons ago.
Or the child they stole innocence from
Now they want, but the moments gone
To cry in contrite agony,
So they trundle on in chains
While the darkness still remains
Hoping someone knows their walk
Senses their cold breath like chalk
Scrapping the screeching blackboards
Of dark memories that they hoard.
The victims eyes, with venom baptize
Spewing green phlegm, spat in streams
Absolves them of the unforgivable
Unchaining their sinful dreams
To sleep in peace

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