Monday, October 11, 2010

Ballad of the Crubeen

In france they says
 They ate the snails
In Alsace the slimy frog
But believe or not in Ireland
They ates the toes of the hog
Some calls them plainly pigs trotters
Others call them just pigs toes
In Gaelic they calls them the Crubeen
The true name nobody knows
I finds them tasty with cabbage
Tastier still at the tae
But best of all with the porter
Well thats according to me.

In China they ates with the chop-sticks
And the English are re-knowed to be neat
But there's no room for them party manners
When your eating the glorious pigs feet
There jelly and grit and some brine
Sweet hairs and bristle and slime
And a bare pick of meat between the two feet
And the rest consists of just rind.

When first you start to beging to ate
The sliderry slice of the hairy feet
Your f----ing and blinding and swearing
Your Knawing your Knarling your tearing
Your only complete when the bones are picked neat
Not a trace of rind to be found
Its then you know your making a show
For you Skipped the previous round.
"So up to the bar there boy".

By Tim Buckley

To be recited in thick cork accent
(for as we know in kerry everything is thick in cork)
 except for posh English accent when referring to manners
do not add uck to the f----ing, the word is   f     ing
say = sayz
meat = mate
eat= ate
tea = tae
feet =fate
me = mae

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