Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Love

Your hair like autumn colors
Burning bright and browned
Your skin is like the winter snow
Laying soft upon the ground
Your eyes like the deep blue sea
Crashing to the shore
Your absence like 
The summer sun
No longer can endure
Your lips are berries from mountain ash
Your laugh a mountain stream
Your thoughts pry the unquestionable
Like a chink of light on a darkened beam
Or a white horse running wild and free
Silver mane by silver sea
Sliver Seeds of dandelion
Crowned starlets in your hair
Shining when the sun
Marry’s and melts
Amongst the veils of showers
Your the prism of color 
That above me towers
The rainbow that spans
The ditch stitched ground
The white swan sailing
On a stream of sound
And among the rushes 
I am found.
The Breeze blows cold
The sun brings heat
The clouds pour with rain
And you filled
Brimmed with love
To Eclipse
My cold moon’s pain.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sweet child of Innocence

detail from a 1515 Flemish painting (The Adoration of the Christ Child) showing an angel and a shepherd perhaps showing signs of Down's Syndrome

Sweet child of Innocence
You sang a song for me
And in your own but simple way
You set my spirit free
You Caressed away
My hardships
With you’re gaiety and show 
And in your own but simple way
I know you let me know
That your love for me was bottomless
Over 3000 fathoms deep
And no dam could stop that love you have
Laid down for me to reap

Sweet child of innocence 
Sweet child of innocence

Your mind has got one simple tread
Of a pure yet magical weave
That was ment to love and glorify
never ment to deceive
For deception has saddened many
Who refuse what they receive
And look for other answers
For they Just cannot believe
That this child is just a messenger
Of a love thats rich and pure
And it’s we that are too oft’ times sick
Too blind to see the cure.

Sweet child of innocence
Sweet child of innocence,

Anybody that has met Diarmaid o Connell will know how special those born with Downs syndrome can be they give us hugs and love when we need them most, they are unconcerned with social conventions and get to the heart of the matter when words cannot be found. This is a poem/song I wrote celebrating the sun shine they bring to our lives but also lamenting those pre-occupied with a dis-appointment, not opening their hearts to the many blessing that such children bring to a family and those around them.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Homage to Halloween

Homage to Halloween

The Moon is full, the clocks go back
Strange things happen on all souls day
The dead souls creak, lost between
Sin, forgiveness and regret.
Remember now it’s Halloween.
The ivy curtains of their tombs
Are pulled away inside the ruins
Lichen statues turn their way
As their bones put on a flesh of clay
And walk again with unsure feet
Hoping they will somehow meet
The beggar they past on the street
So many moons ago.
Or the child they stole innocence from
Now they want, but the moments gone
To cry in contrite agony,
So they trundle on in chains
While the darkness still remains
Hoping someone knows their walk
Senses their cold breath like chalk
Scrapping the screeching blackboards
Of dark memories that they hoard.
The victims eyes, with venom baptize
Spewing green phlegm, spat in streams
Absolves them of the unforgivable
Unchaining their sinful dreams
To sleep in peace

Wednesday, October 20, 2010



Her Belly Bulged like Hawthorn Hill
Her navel was a Fairy Lios
And I, felt like a king
When I brought my queen a kiss
Inside us both unspoken joy
Was it a girl? or yes a boy.
God my hands were like a potters
Moulding the clay of flesh
When something stirred like a startled bird
SSSSh….....Listen ….........hush
Her fingers drawn across her lips
Life moved and kicked the wall
And in my thought in green and gold 
He was kicking out the ball
Or climbing up a tree
Calling “Hey dad, theres eggs inside this nest”
And I was shouting” come down quick.”
Still, I knew I was blessed.
At night I’d tell him stories when into bed they curled
The three little pigs and how God he made the world
He made it specially for the children, for girls and little boys
For we too are children that sneak playing with your toys.
But then again, it could be a girl
And I would still be her father
And I would love her just as much, for she would be my daughter.
Later on I’d tell her life was an ocean fraught with danger
And even if she was hungry “Dont take sweets from a strangers!”
I’ am sure, I’d catch her playing,
Putting lipstick on her lips
Curlers in her hair, with lacquer and all them clips
And high heels on her tiny feet and varnishing her toes
While dressing up in mothers dressing gown and clothes
She’d come running, crying “Daddy!”
When her doll would loose it’s head
I’d put it back together, and we’d put it back to bed
She’d have lots of friends to play with latter on some lad
And even if his hair swam to the ground
Somehow I’d be glad.
If he would bring her flowers 
Treat her with respect
But the world is always changing 
So what can we expect?
And so, I wish that they taste love
Overcome life’s hurts and pains
Taste a bit of Freedom
Not be shackled up in chains.
If they could keep an Innocence
A wonder, even as they grow old.
And know right from wrong
And do as they were told.
But when I look, inside the crib
I see Joseph, the child and Mary
And I wonder if these things crossed their minds
And was the future then just as scary.

By Tim Buckley

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Pheasant Surprise

A Pheasant Surprise.
A brace of pheasant from Barons Court
Wrapped in christmas feathers
Eyes framed in berry red
Ringed in green of winter holly
Their body’s dappled brown bodice wore
Florentine marbled paper
Well travelled birds one might say
Three cocks and one brave hen
Far flung from the dynasties of the orient
Travelled to land in a barons court
And then to a minstrels table.

So to sweeten up the flesh of fowl
A drizzle of Tuscan oil.
A pinch of ground sea shore salt
Aromatic Madagascar pepper
Coriander seed, zest of lemon
Bunch of thyme, sprig of sage
And leaf of noble bay

Hear the searing hiss of wild juices trapped
Tuck the carcass into bed of Mirepoix
With clove of allium 
And sweet Amontillado 
Then decorate on willow pattern plate with love
Serve with juniper and red currant jelly.

Then Taste the taste that cannot be hunted
The clear running jus of friendship.

By Tim Buckley
My wife plays the harp and played at Barons court in co. Fermanagh an old castle country House where chef Michel Roux was cooking and shooting for the weekend before leaving they gave her some pheasants to take home besides a delicious meal this was the out-come.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Woman floating in the sea

  Woman floating in the sea

The sea combs your hair
It's gravity gone
It floats like treads of silk
Carded by the tide
Your face is an island
Deserted from your body
Your Knees, toes and breasts
A stranded archipelago 
In the watery wastelands
You breath with every ebb
Bubbles bursting upwards
Escaping joy
Blowing through
The briny blanket
That once again tucks
You under it's cover
The sand at your back
Wind blown shapes
Undulating like ribs
Starved of flesh.
Wound round you
The calm simplicity
That brings you here
The pulse and tug
Of tide
The jaded lap of waters
The monotonous slap
Of waves crashing
Seaweeds in slow-motion
Wave, their slimy gut
Umbilically holding stones
Keeping you within my reach.

By Tim Buckley

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The Irish worship 
Like prayers
Snares that catch the stumbles
And the club-foot-life we lead.
Whispers whirl like hurricanes
In tea cups
Pouring through the cracks
That ooze
within us all.

Tim Buckley

A Poem I called Romance.

We gathered flowers from the garden
That stretched along the road
 A Mist breathed ethers of love
And in it's vapors we flowed
We picked and plucked the wild scents
Saw silver beads trapped inside a net
That spiders spun in Summer
But caught only now the wet, 
Wet mist, from clean air drunk
As we laughed and talked 
'til talk was sunk
In songs and dancing smiles.

The flowers we placed inside a jar
But somehow were not the same
Lost from those Kerry hills
Looked tethered now and tame
But still they hold a memory
Of a day when rain was a dance
Or a passionate poem
That was sent to me
A poem I called 

Walking on the strand in Kilkee.


The instruments of wind whistle
In a victorian bandstand
Papers pirouette
A poster flaps a clap
Encore ! Encore!
The oceans roar.

Oyster-catchers paddle
Like summer nuns
Black and white

Their orange beaks 
Machine sowing
The strand to the waters edge
A gull screeches
(the sound of a child lost at sea)
It's wings are held by a puppeteer
It wavers a battle without fear
Then suddenly
It lifts 
And like a newspaper
Is blown away.

Our hands are tight as mollusc shells
Far from the concrete eyes
Of sea-side hotels.
Your hair, like gold dust
 From the sand
Your eyes, they speak of finer days
Toes, painted red as lobsters
Against the strand
A scarf of seaweed blows in your hand.
Lips purple parched
From salt and sea
Our eyes moist
Thinking this cannot be
For eternity.

Tim Buckley


Monday, October 11, 2010

Ballad of the Crubeen

In france they says
 They ate the snails
In Alsace the slimy frog
But believe or not in Ireland
They ates the toes of the hog
Some calls them plainly pigs trotters
Others call them just pigs toes
In Gaelic they calls them the Crubeen
The true name nobody knows
I finds them tasty with cabbage
Tastier still at the tae
But best of all with the porter
Well thats according to me.

In China they ates with the chop-sticks
And the English are re-knowed to be neat
But there's no room for them party manners
When your eating the glorious pigs feet
There jelly and grit and some brine
Sweet hairs and bristle and slime
And a bare pick of meat between the two feet
And the rest consists of just rind.

When first you start to beging to ate
The sliderry slice of the hairy feet
Your f----ing and blinding and swearing
Your Knawing your Knarling your tearing
Your only complete when the bones are picked neat
Not a trace of rind to be found
Its then you know your making a show
For you Skipped the previous round.
"So up to the bar there boy".

By Tim Buckley

To be recited in thick cork accent
(for as we know in kerry everything is thick in cork)
 except for posh English accent when referring to manners
do not add uck to the f----ing, the word is   f     ing
say = sayz
meat = mate
eat= ate
tea = tae
feet =fate
me = mae

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Gift

The Gift.

I will give to you a flower
But wait until it blooms
'til the colours  take the shadows
From all our vacant rooms
Do not let it dry between the pages
Of a book upon a shelf
Or let it droop to drink the air
From a jug of china delf
Wear it in your hair
Reflections mirrored in your dress
And the pattern of our love 
To your red red lips I'll press
Let the perfume of the moment
And true loves garment
Become our clothes
It shall conquer the grey bricks
 Of  loneliness
With a rose.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010



By Killarney’s lakes a wonder awakes
Like a morning after snow
When children’s eyes
light up the skies
With an effervescence glow
As the dancing hooves of horses
Tap through on a green-lush-lane
And plays a jig to the dancing strands
Upon the horses mane
And the Jarvey tells a story
As he pulls upon the rein
Of the magic and the wonder
On the Shores of sweet Loch Lein.

Muckross House with Gardens Fair
Where man and God has met
To Create a scene so beautiful
Its not easy to forget
With Bluebells through the forest
Rhododendron on the lawn
And a kingfishers blue bolt
like a strike of light at dawn
Winter summer snow or rain
There’s a magic and a wonder
On the shores of sweet Loch Lein.

Here ferns like lace
Surround the place
And glisten with an amber gown
When dew-drops catch the golden light
when the sun is setting down
But the only treasures to be found 
Are the memories here to gain
Of the magic and the wonder
On the shores of sweet Loch Lein.

Diamond eyes, wink from the skies
As they shine from dusk ‘til dawn
And fill the Lake with starry lights
 Around the Colleen Bawn
And bugles in the distant hills 
Echo their sweet refrain
To the magic and the wonder
 On the shores of sweet Loch Lein.

Green-Leave-Shawls the waterfalls
On Torc and Tomies mountain
When a gushing stream suddenly stops
to become a crystal fountain
Where the silver salmon
Slip and slides
As it wanders back home again
To the magic and the wonder
On the shores of sweet Loch Lein.

The Eagles Nest he thinks is best
From April on to May
When the road fills up on either side
With a purple scented spray
As the trees they push their talons high
As they prey upon the air
And curtain off the scenery
that surrounds you everywhere
And now you wonder why you came
But you travelled not in vain
For you found the magic and the wonder
On the shores of sweet Loch Lein.

By Tim buckley

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Return to Eden

Return To Eden.

Eve went into the garden
Took fruit from the choicest tree
The apple cried its juices
And salted tears for me.
They cried of a naked discovery
They clothed theIr beauty with shame
Pointed their fingers like daggers
stabbing the air with Blame.

Birds that once sang so sweetly
Went hoarse, as they searched for  the note
And the serpents sweet venom boiled hissing
Like a satire scribed by a poet.
Adam discovered the apple
Eve was seduced by it’s ban
But they sampled the fruit together
Then naked in shame they ran
Banished from the garden of Eden
To a Banality where all was the same
Where Love was soon forgotten
And hatred was fueled with blame
Sons were born in the jungle
Pain wracked her body and nerve
Born to the darkest beginnings
To a sentence their parents were served.

We are the children of Eve
We are empty hungry and cold
Loveless lifeless and searching
For the apples temptation had sold
If we planted the seed of the apple
If they kept not discarded the core
We would watch the apple tree blossom
and would harvest the apples no more
Peace would rain from the heavens
Desserts would colour in bloom
Guns would again be silenced
 No man would preach of doom
Children would never be crying
Disease would be a thing of the past
And death like acts of contrition
in museums they all would be cast
Legends would tell of explosions
Of men who murdered and maimed
And children wide eyed with wonder
Would not understand what temptation had flamed.

We can still plant a garden in Eden
In hearths that are lonely and cold
In minds that pry for distruction
In sheep that have strayed from the fold
In the weak the sick and the hungry
Those thirsty for friendship and care
It only takes a moment to listen
but have we that moment to spare.

By Tim Buckley