Sunday, December 26, 2010


like swans feathers
from a sky of grey.
Footprints lead me on my way,
Birds skip and lift like notes
across the page of canvass white,
all is crisp and new.
Hand in glove
I walk with you.
Fresh the look
Its new clothes on
Pianissimo strings
it’s plaintive song.
The dog runs, plays and rolls
Can we too renew our souls
Cover them snug in blanket white
Let them kiss and play
By winking candle light.
Snows they melt and turn to slush
I tried to tell you, but you said hush
You showed me a snowdrop
Its white flower head bent
and whispered “look what
God has sent”
For each everyday a new surprise
a miracle if we only open eyes
To see the wonder all around
With treasured messages
to be found.

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