Sunday, December 5, 2010

I Light My Candles

I’ll Light my candles
You fight with your gun
When the war is over
Lets see who has won.
Squeeze the trigger
Whizz bang the bullets fly
You can cup your ears for ever
But you can still hear the cry.
Of pain and of torture
As bombs and bullets explode
As the horsemen of the apocalypse
Into the jungle rode.
You say you fight for freedom
But your caged within your crimes
When your fighting someone else’s war
In these troubled times.
Your haunted with the memories
The skeletons you’ve maimed
The children you left orphans
And all the lives you claimed.
Now your back into the city
Still searching for Vietcong
Cause your mind has just gone brittle
From things you did wrong
They sedate you now for breakfast
For Diner and for tea
If thats what you call freedom
It’s not the thing for me.

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