Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Co. Kerry Bachelor

I’ve a few fields by the river
a bit of bogland full of rush
where the snipe come to winter
and a wild hedge for the thrush
a few Belgian blue bullocks
cows with sucklers their milk to drain
a donkey to keep them company
when they shelter from the rain
I keep a nate little garden
in the haggard with a limed white wall
and I wakes early in the morning
when the cock his brood do call
I didn't bother with electricity
and I keeps an open fire
sure it gives me a bit of company
before I’am ready to retire
I loves the bit of bacon
I fattens a pig or two
I cures the legs and smokes
them, up chimney’s  flue
I’ve often dreamt of sharing this
with a woman that would be inclined
but they fear that she’d take half of it
would drive me clane off me mind
and so I sits and pokes the fire
and watches how it’s embers glows
Tis the nearest thing to loving
this bachelor ever knows
If me mother had died earlier
there might have been half a chance
but before she signed the farm over
their wasn't room for some romance
Jasus if I brought a girly home
she make a show of me
she wouldn't lave her even sit a while
to drink a pot a tea
ah! she was a good mother
don't get me wrong
but if I played a different tune
she’d sing the same auld song
She gone now God bless her
I’am left here on me own
her mass card said she's dead
10 years how the time has flown
soon I suppose I'll  share her grave
while the cousins sell off the land
tis a poor return for the drudgery
and the loneliness I understand.

1 comment:

  1. This one broke my heart You have captured and described what holds deeply on to people souls. All you have to do is look into their eyes. They say it all. No one escapes, especially the elderly. Thank you for showing the impact lowliness has on people.
