Friday, September 24, 2010

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His stretched sinew sowed
Structured, fragile, 
Beads of life.
These Miracles of molecules
He sunk to the dark dank earth
He covered and pressed
With hands
That knew the grains
of hope 

Locked with life
He knelt and prayed
with every pulse he set
Genuflected at the drill
Buried the seed;
To behold
The Resurrection.

Dead End

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Dead End

Pour Panic
Torturous time ticks
Every minute
Peel the acid pain
Called life
 A moments Bliss
A pin prick
Will jab the job
Will lead us on
An inspired youth
 Of hopelessness
Drag us on a tour
Of turmoil
Black our eyes with dirt
‘til we see no light.

Rats roam like toys
Remote uncontrolled
Whiskers dipping dancing
Slowly they nibbled
 At the kernel of refuse
We called home
Radioing serene screeches 
Of despair 
Before silence
before us
In a dusty
Beam of Light.

The Longing.

The longing

As if I had eaten a cake of salt
Crystalline crumbing on my tongue
That parched the longing in my ears
For the note in harmony, together sung
My thirst is greater than desert sands
My hunger a craving lust
That sucked the skin between the ribs
Carved bones from once round fleshy cheeks
For I am old my senses jailed
Numbed from you for weeks.
Though fond memories we have fleshed
 Though lonesome chasms we've filled and fed
Still I miss the candles wink
 Its soft flame upon your head.